Monday, February 06, 2006

Shepherds or sheep?

The sheep imagery came up last week in our scripture, and I wondered if part of our trouble as parents is seeing ourselves as both shepherds and sheep? We are lambs of God, but charged with keeping His sheep... I think sometimes I'd rather be a sheep than a shepherd. It's a great responsibility with which we've been charged, and often feels overwhelming. This study has helped me be more mindful of my behaviour as an example to my children, but in so many ways I still feel more like a sheep wandering lost, than the shepherd.

Stephanie asked that I post this from her for everyone:
Thinking is something all humankind is capable of doing. Often we get tired
of thinking and only react. But the absence of thought is considered empty
minded and foolish. We should really try to think through all
things.....reason, ponder, meditate, consider, cogitate, suppose! Don't
depend on thinking only while you are "on the job", because as
parents......we are always "on the job". Ask God for his wisdom, we can all
use more of it, especially HIS. Don't let age come all by itself!

It is so hard to be mindful, but to live a good life it seems we must be ever mindful: of our mouths, that our actions match our intentions, that we are living our values not just going along with the herd. May God be with us all as we struggle to be as He would like us to be.