Monday, December 22, 2008

Wesley Homebuilders newsletter 12/21 - 12/27/08

Merry Christmas to all!

Remember the New years Eve party 12/31/08 at the church. Call the church office for more details.

Coffee hour at the White's after the 6 pm Christmas Eve service. All are welcome. 3707 Woodland Drive NW off of Peerless opposite M&M Mars. Call 473-2783 for detailed directions.

Thomas Meal - January 12, 2009 - Hudson and Brookshire


Albrittons on their loss
Stutzman - job loss
Susan Hubbard and family - death of father
David Turner (Christy's Brother in law) possible tumor
Mike - grant grace to deal with a difficult employee
Travel mercies for all
People affected by snow and without power
Steven Stanzel - eye surgery week from Thursday


Homebuilder's Christmas Party
Albritton - thanks for all of the caring and flowers
Secret Santa for the Klohs family
Children's program on Wednesday
Stan's sister and brother in law - taking care of Mom


AJ Rice's birthday is the 28th.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Who is this Lady...

and WHAT is she doing at our party??

(Sorry for the poor pix, battery was going on the camera and the light was terrible!)

Everyone who made it to the party on Friday had a blast... and more than a few belly laughs!

More pics below...

Gina got some smelly stuff...

"Uh Oh... hope we don't get something like that...."

"OK, there is NO good place to HOLD this thing!!"

We missed all of you who couldn't join us - better come next year, so YOU can get a marvelous gift like this one!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Homebuilders Newsletter 12/14-12/20/09

Yea!!! Our class Christmas party is Friday Dec 19th at Tako Yaki (old House of Japan, in the plaza next to Staples on Keith Street). Start time is 7 pm. Couples will pay for own dinner and drinks; each couple takes care of their own childcare. We will be doing a White Elephant gift exchange (wrapped gift).


Duane- Still employed
Albrittons - travel to funeral, death of Max Swink
David - job search
Stephanie's friend Ruth - Christmas alone
Stan's mom
Stephanie's sister in law - job or no job


Duane- still employed
Trish's grandmother doing okay
Help at pancake breakfast
Stephanie's friend Chuck Evans - recovering from accident at Bowater
CMS Robotics team
Mark passed insurance exams!
Stephanie's friend Ruth - faith and courage
White's doing consulting work


Jenn's birthday is Dec 17th.
AJ Rice's birthday is the 28th.